Unemployment is becoming a big issue in both developed and developing countries. In Ghana it’s getting worse by the years and various statistics also indicates high rate of unemployment in the country. Data from the Institute of Statistics Social Economics Research (ISSER) University of Ghana ,10% of graduate finds jobs after their first year of completing school as published on Citi FM online in 2017. Every year students graduate with the hope of securing a white-collar job however in most instances it’s not the case. Graduate unemployment in Ghana it’s becoming a national concern. The purpose of this article is to encourage fresh graduates to creates jobs rather than being job seekers. Below are six businesses fresh graduates and under graduates can start whiles searching for jobs which requires little capital;
If you are good with pencils and lipsticks, then this business is for you. Make up artistry requires very little capital and doesn’t necessarily require a studio since you can visit the clients to offer your service. However, no matter how skillful you are you may need a little coaching. You can either take up a short course from the schools noted for these skills or watch videos on YouTube. In this kind of business learning never seizes as such you always must upgrade by watching more videos. Social media is one of the main avenues for marketing this business. You must have a business name which reflect your activity and can also laisse with event planners and bridal shops for clients. Make up artistry business also requires proper marketing analysis and this means identifying your customers and their interest. The basic apparatus needed are brushes, cleaning products and foundations etc.
Home tuition is the kind of tuition that occurs in the home. Education is the best gift anyone can give to their children and you can take advantage by offering home tuition. This business is lucrative since it’s on high demand due to the expectations of students and parents especially during exams. It could be done either online or in-home tuition. You can target basic school pupils thus after school tuition or students preparing for WASSCE or BECE by focusing on specific subjects. You can advertise through flyers, posters and through social media.
Blogging according to thebalancesmb.com refers to writing, photography and other media that’s self -published online. It’s one of the ways you can make money online. All you must do is to identify a niche you are passionate about, it’s could be lifestyle, entertainment, business etc. Please note however that blogging takes time for income to be generated though it’s a profitable venture.
This is basically using your hands in making things such beads, fascinators etc. Recently Africans have embraced the use of beads, there are various fashionable jewelries and slippers made with beads which needs little tutorial and capital to start. These products can be advertised on social media etc. You can also laisse with a dressmaker or boutique and showcase your products at their outfit.
If you have passion for cooking and you prepare delicious meals thus have good culinary skills, you can venture into this business. It doesn’t require much capital since you can start small offering a meal in a day. Since majority of the population are the working class the demand for this business is quite high and its appropriate to target the offices where you can
send proposals. You can also prepare varieties of soups and stews for delivery especially on weekends.
One other business which is lucrative but most educated people seems to ignore which graduates can venture into is supply of food stuffs .Selling foodstuffs is lucrative and its prudent to start on a small scale whiles increasing your customer base through word of mouth and social media. Food items such as beans, millet, maize, ginger, onion and other grains are
examples of products you can start with. However, it’s important to purchase from the villages where prices are cheaper.
Remember not every graduate may have a job in the formal sector and it would
be best to create one whiles waiting for your dream job. Don’t let the Degree be
a barrier to certain jobs thinking they are below your standard.