Most women after childbirth have challenges with someone taking care of their little ones hence opt out of corporate work. However, I have good news for stay at home moms since you can still earn income whiles taking care of the home and kids. It’s good to be a virtuous woman by providing care for your family however to be a complete woman you should also have an income, the bible even confirms this in Proverbs 31-16 “She appraises a field and buys it from her earnings she plants a vineyard” For the purpose of this article I would like to identify 8 businesses for housewives which requires little capital.
This requires little capital and can be operated from your living room. You can start by enrolling toddlers from 3months to 24months. However, you much take approval from social welfare. You can start by enrolling children from relatives, friends and church. For more on this topic read how to start daycare.
Most women love to cook and if you have passion for cooking and can prepare delicious meals this business is for you. You can start by cooking various stews and soups for friends, family, old school mates at a little fee. The good news with this business is that you also have food for the home without using the home keeping money which may give relief to the house.
Housewives can also engage in catering lessons for pastries either through the internet or attending short cookery classes. These pastries can be supplied to supermarkets and shops.
Blogging according to refers to writing, photography and other media that’s self- published online. Therefore, as a housewife with good writing skills this job is for you. All you must do is to identify a niche you are passionate about, it could be lifestyle, entertainment, business etc. Though it takes time for income to be generated in this venture its quite a profitable venture.
Soap plays an important role in our daily activities as its fight infections and diseases. Soap is used in bathing, washing clothes and dishes. You can either produce liquid soap or bar soap which can be supplied to shops, restaurants etc. This business requires little capital and simple apparatus. You can find more in my article local soap production.
This is basically using your hands in making things such beads, fascinators etc.
Recently Africans have embraced the use of beads, there are various fashionable jewelries and slippers made with beads which needs little tutorial and capital to start. These products can be advertised on social media etc. You can also laisse with a dressmaker or boutique and showcase your products at their outfit.
Although this business is sometimes capital intensive, you can start small by renting plastic chairs, tables, canopies and bouncy castle to event organizers. Though transport is key in this business you can initially hire other people’s vehicles mostly trucks to transport your items at a fee. This business is usually brisk on weekends hence you can still have time for your family during the week.
Most people have relatives and close friends staying abroad who occasionally send groceries and clothing for the home. You can take advantage of this as a business .These items which are mostly consumables ,homecare products and clothing’s can be advertise on social media .
You may not have to do personal delivery due to the use of dispatch.
Transportation is a lucrative business in the cities and as a housewife you can take advantage. There are lots of transportation businesses you can venture into depending on your capital. It could be courier service(which is trending now due to online shopping),car shuttle service, passenger bus service, school bus (where you laisse with a school to commutes kids from their homes to the school) etc.
For stay at home moms to have an income in the comfort of their homes whiles concentrating on the kids and home these businesses above can be considered.