How to start bakery business in Ghana

Bread according to Pat the Baker is a staple food prepared by baking a dough of flour and water. Bread is a popular food taken in the world including Ghana Bread is affordable hence has high demand which makes it a lucrative business to venture into. It is usually taken with beverage at breakfast though it can be enjoyed anytime of the day with other foods like stew etc. can always be taken during the day.

It should be noted that bread has always existed and even in ancient days was called manner. Modernization and technology has enhanced the production of different kinds of bread recently. In Ghana there are different kinds of bread namely; Tea bread, sugar bread, butter bread, wheat bread, banana bread, etc.

What are the ingredients used to produce bread? Depending on the type of bread one wants to produce, the ingredients may vary as well as the quantity of ingredients. However, there are some basic ingredients needed irrespective of the type of bread to produce. These basic ingredients include flour, yeast, margarine, powdered milk, nutmeg, sugar, salt and flavors. It must be noted that the quantity and combinations of these ingredients to be used depends on the type of bread one would produce.

Before the inception of technology and the discovery of gas, our forefathers normally operated from locally built structure made from local clay and brick with a small entrance to aid setting of the fire. When the fire was set and the interior component of the brick structure is warm, the mixed ingredients is then packed into the heated clay brick to produce the finished product called bread. With the advancement in technology, baking has taken a different dimension as most bakers have now resorted to the use of gas and electric ovens in baking compared to the traditional method, which normally involved the use of wood to set fire.

Things to consider to start the bread business. Starting bread business involves more than passion. One requires the following :

A. Technical abilities- This is a basic requirement for starting any business and the same applies to any bakery business one wants to venture. Because of the competitive nature of the bakery industry one really needs in-depth knowledge about how to have wholesome bread. Most bakers might have inherited the skill from a relative or might have attended a baking school. It must be noted that any kind of bread whether sugar bread, butter bread, tea bread, banana bread contains lots of mixed ingredients in various ratios and for one to get the exact proportion of ingredients to use, you must have the experience either gained through mentoring or through some form of formal education

B. Capital – This point cannot be over-emphasized as cash is the life-blood of any striving business. Without enough capital, one cannot operate this business. Raw materials such as flour, yeast, magarine, sugar, nutmeg, flavors etc are needed for production which requires cash.

C. Baking equipment such as ovens, bread mixer, bread rolling machine, bread pans, bread boxes, etc. are needed for production.

D. Basic Knowledge of management: this may include record keeping and market analysis.Understanding your competition and the nature of the market you are going operate in is necessary in this business .

E. Reliable suppliers who are consistent.

F. Spacious business premises location: this place has to be neat in order to have health certificates and to produce healthy bread.

G. Workers to help run the businessThis business is very lucrative and can be operated from home however its important to register your bread with FDA in order to supply to major supermarket which aids sales. Marketing and packaging are also important elements which should not be overlooked. There are however few risks in this business such as price fluctuations of baking products, pilfering by staff and unsold products going bad.

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